Wow, what a great FREE tool provided to clients and friends of The Used Gym Equipment Company.
Computer Animated Design (CAD) software has been provided for your business FREE at Go To GYM Planner
This unique tool provides all products by SPEC, of all brands and manufactures. So you can design an existing room to scale. Or design your future fitness room.
Put in the length and width of your walls and the fitness machine icons will size themselves automatically to spec. It's so cool and helpful.
This is a wonderful tool to design your gyms room layout. All machines are in by size and shape to spec once you place your room size. So you can see in real time how your current, or new gym equipment fits inside your gym business.
Decide how many refurbished PRECOR 556 ellipticals you want to place in your cardio room. Or decide how many Life Fitness 95ti used treadmills fit in the room alongside the Precor ellipticals. Fitness Center Design software provided courtesy of The Used Gym Equipment Company. Now see over 10,000 used machines in-stock.
go here to use it FREE: Gym CAD Room Layout Designer
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